Why is Blood Pressure Important to Check?

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: June 29, 2016

Every time that your heart beats, it pushes your blood throughout your entire body. The blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it rushes to supply your body with oxygen and nourishing nutrients. This pressure against the walls is referred to as your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is too high, it

Reasons Why Yoga is Good for Your Heart

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: June 15, 2016

Yoga is an ancient practice that strengthens the body, focuses the mind, and reduces stress through a series of postures, or asana. Physically, yoga boosts your lung capacity, decreases blood pressure, increases flexibility, improves your balance, improves your circulation and it improves your respiratory function. Mentally, it creates a sense of well-being and decreases stress.

Smoking is Killing Your Heart

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: June 3, 2016

We all know that smoking is not healthy. Even the tobacco companies post warnings on their cigarette packaging. But, do you know how it hurts your heart and the risks that you take every time that you light a cigarette?   Cigarettes contain an addictive substance called nicotine. In addition, they also contain many other