Diagnosed with Depression? It Might Be Your Heart

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: April 20, 2023

Depression isn’t just a bad mood or having an off day. Depression lingers and seeps into what feels like your very being. You can’t just shake it off and smile as so many would like you to do. If you’ve ever experienced depression, you know that it can feel like you have a broken heart

Optimism is Good for Your Heart Health

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: January 18, 2021

When you are in a good mood and your outlook on life is positive you just feel better overall. Studies reveal that optimistic, happy, glass half full people are more likely to have good heart health as well. The study https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2012-10025-001 looked at two groups of people who had similar risk for heart disease. The